BR Mors de Filet Soft Contact Double Brisure 12mm 12cm

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alt tekst Description

Hypostore This high-quality single jointed eggbutt bradoon is made of solid Cuprigan with stainless steel rings. Cuprigan is an alloy consisting of 89% copper, 7% aluminium, 3% iron and 1% zinc. The oxidation process of the material gives a pleasant smell and taste. The anatomical design of the bit follows the shape of the horse’s mouth, which allows for a gentle and even pressure distribution. The design, combined with the unique properties of Cuprigan, encourages the chewing process and saliva production, which allows for a pleasant connection with the sensitive horse’s mouth. The bit applies normal pressure on the mouth. Mouthpiece thickness 12 mm, ring size 50 mm.The eggbutt snaffle has fixed cheek pieces. Aids have a more direct effect and the bit allows less freedom of movement compared to the loose ring snaffle.A bradoon is usually used in combination with a Weymouth Curb bit. The small rings leave more space for the Weymouth Curb than regular loose ring snaffles. The bradoon should ideally be 0,5-1 centimeter larger than the Weymouth Curb.The double jointed bit consists of three parts. The middle section of the mouthpiece lies flat on the tongue, this causes more pressure on the tongue than a single jointed bit. The thicker the middle section, the more pressure it will create on the tongue.

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Agradi Logo 47,95 €
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5,99 €
Hypostore Logo 38,36 
Gratuit 38,36  Visiter le site
alt tekst Description (2)

This high-quality single jointed eggbutt bradoon is made of solid Cuprigan with stainless steel rings. Cuprigan is an alloy consisting of 89% copper, 7% aluminium, 3% iron and 1% zinc. The oxidation process of the material gives a pleasant smell and taste. The anatomical design of the bit follows the shape of the horse’s mouth, which allows for a gentle and even pressure distribution. The design, combined with the unique properties of Cuprigan, encourages the chewing process and saliva production, which allows for a pleasant connection with the sensitive horse’s mouth. The bit applies normal pressure on the mouth. Mouthpiece thickness 12 mm, ring size 50 mm.The eggbutt snaffle has fixed cheek pieces. Aids have a more direct effect and the bit allows less freedom of movement compared to the loose ring snaffle.A bradoon is usually used in combination with a Weymouth Curb bit. The small rings leave more space for the Weymouth Curb than regular loose ring snaffles. The bradoon should ideally be 0,5-1 centimeter larger than the Weymouth Curb.The double jointed bit consists of three parts. The middle section of the mouthpiece lies flat on the tongue, this causes more pressure on the tongue than a single jointed bit. The thicker the middle section, the more pressure it will create on the tongue.


Ce tampon concassé double de haute qualité (bustrens) est fabriqué en Cuprigan massif avec anneaux en acier inoxydable. Cuprigan est un alliage composé à 89% de cuivre, à 7% d'aluminium, à 3% de fer et à 1% de zinc.Le processus d'oxydation du matériau donne une odeur et un goût agréables. La conception anatomique suit la forme de la bouche du cheval, créant une répartition douce et uniforme de la pression. En raison de la combinaison de la forme et de la composition unique de Cuprigan, le processus de mastication et la formation de salive sont stimulés, créant ainsi une connexion fine avec la bouche sensible du cheval. Le bit a un effet normal sur la bouche. L'embout buccal a une épaisseur de 12 mm et les bagues ont un diamètre de 50 mm. Un bustrens a des anneaux qui ne peuvent pas tourner librement, ainsi les assistants travaillent plus directement. Ce type d’embout est généralement bien accepté car l’embout buccal est relativement ferme en bouche. Le pad est utilisé en combinaison avec une barre de dressage. Les petits anneaux laissent plus de place au bar de dressage. Il est conseillé d’utiliser un anneau d’insertion environ 0,5 à 1 cm plus large que la tige.

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alt tekstSpécifications du produit

Marque BR
  • 8714802692760
  • 256028M00012

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